Nimbuzz launched GRE chat buddy with help of one of the
world’s biggest test preparation institutes, Career Launcher. GRE buddy will
help GRE preparing students to learn new words and thus making a strong
knowledge in the comprehensive vocabulary. Multiple tests are provided to track
the progress in studies and the ranks of the students are displayed on the
percentile basis along with a leaderboard.
It’s necessary to earn knowledge in this competitive world
even if you are a GRE aspirant or not. GRE buddy will help you to learn new
words, conducts test, evaluate your progress, compare your position with others
with the help of leaderboard etc.
- Select ‘What’s New’
- Select ‘ GRE Preparation’
- Select ‘Add’
Now you can see GRE chat Buddy in your friend list. Select
GRE Buddy there in your friend list when once you added GRE chat buddy. Type’
help’ there in chat screen then.
- Type ‘LEARN’- to start learning words.
- Type ‘TEST’- to take a test of the words that you have learned.
- Type ‘LEVEL’- to view your learning level.
- Type ‘PROGRESS’- to view your progress.
- Type ‘LED’- to view your position on the screen leader board.
- Type ‘RESET’- to start learning from the scratch again.
By typing ‘LEARN’ you can start learning words. You have
three options there to how to start learning.
- Type ‘10’ - to learn 10 words daily.
- Type ‘ALL’ - to learn words randomly.
- Type ‘ABC’ – to learn words alphabetically.
So even if you are chatting with friends, try to find enough
time to study new words using this GRE buddy. Best of luck in advance to the
GRE aspirants.
Check this for further information...