How to feature your chat room in Nimbuzz popular list?

If you want to feature your chat room in Nimbuzz popular list you have two options, one is to increase the traffic and the other is send gifts to the room users. The second is costly because you need to have Nimbuckz to purchase the gifts. Nimbuckz can be purchaced by paying money to Nimbuzz.

You can send gifts in your room to improve the Nimbuzz chat room ranking. More the gifts send the more the chance to become listed in Nimbuzz popular rooms.

How to send gifts? In order to send gifts you need to have Nimbuckz. You can check your Nimbuckz status by visiting your N-World page. If you don’t have Nimbuckz you can buy Nimbuckz by clicking Buy More tab.

Enter chat room

Type /vg <short code> <Nimbuzz ID>

Typing this you can send gifts to the Nimbuzz ids specified.  If you like to know the short code and the Nimbuckz needed to send that gift, just type /vg l in the chat room. The list will be published in the chat room. Note down the short code of the gift you going to send and type in the format above to send gifts.

Nimbuzz Chatroom ranking.

If you are ready to spend 1000 Nimbuckz your room rank will be increased in the Nimbuzz chatroom popular list. This can be achieved by the command ‘/boost’. You need 1000 Nimbuckz to use this /boost command.  Type /boost in your chat room like you doing /help commands. If you like to know more about the boost command then type ‘/help boost’ in your Nimbuzz chat room. Boost command is used  to boost ranking of the chat room in the popular list. In which room you type boost command that room’s room rank is increased.

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