Help bot - /help

Chat rooms admins and owners can manage their chat room using /help room management system. This /help system is available in the latest Nimbuzz version. You can see the available commands by typing /help in the chat room. Then the commands are displayed in the chat room screen itself. Let’s go through the commands with example.

Format: /<no space>command<space>nimbuzz id

Nmbuzz chat room commands

  • /mod: to make the target user as a moderator in the chat room. Moderator can kick, mute and ban the users in the chat room.Example:  /mod ##### (now id named is an admin)

  • /kick: Kicks the target user from the chat room.Example: /kick #####
  • /ban: Bans the target user. It’s not necessary that the user need to be in the room to ban.Example: /ban ##### (now id named ##### is in ban list)
  • /boost – Use to boost ranking of the chat room in the popular list. In which room you type boost command that room’s room rank is increased.
  • /invite: Invites someone from your friend list to the room. The user must be in your friend list.Example: /invite #####
  • /mute: Makes the target user a visitor.  Visitors can’t post messages in the room but can see others chat on the chat screen.Example: / mute #####
  •  /who: Display the profile of the target user.Example: /who #####  Displays username, nick, status, gender, birthday, country, locality, region of the user #####.
  •  /msg: to send a private room message to the user.Example: /msg ##### hey man is awesome!!! By doing this user ##### can see the post ‘hey man is awesome!!!’ as a private message. Only the user ##### can see and others can’t see this message in the chat room.

sub commands

  • a – all users in room
For example: 

To ban all users present in Nimbuzz chatroom

if you are one admin or owner of a chatroom and you like to ban all users present in your chatroom, then type  /ban a in the chatroom screen.

To give membership to all users in Nimbuzz chatroom

if you are one admin or owner of a chatroom and you like to give membership to all users present in your room, type /mem a in the chatroom screen.
  • c – to display number of banned ids
  • r – remove user from ban list or to remove admin power.
  • f – block all the ids of the flooder
  • /ban a: Bans all users in the room, except owners, admins and members.
  • /mem a: gives membership to all users in the room, except owners, admins.
  • /kick a: Kicks all the  users present in the chat room.
  • /mod a: Makes all the users present in the room as moderators.
  • /ban r: Unban the target user.Example: /ban r ##### 
          Format /<nospace>ban<space>r<space>usermane
  • /mod r:To remove the admin power. Example: /mod r #####
  • /ban c: Displays the number of banned IDs in the ban list.
  •  /ban f: block all the IDs coming  from the IP address of the target user.Example: /ban f #####  see if #####, #####@ , @@#@#@# and many more ids are flooding in the chat room just type /ban f ##### or /ban f #####@ means just use f sub command and place any one of the flood ids to block the flood.

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